انجمن تخصصی فلزیاب و ردیاب
تاریخ : شنبه 12 خرداد1403 - 12:28pm

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 اپراتوری دلتا پالس3 
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کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
آواتار کاربر

تاریخ عضویت: دوشنبه 2 اردیبهشت1392 - 8:05pm
پست: 189
محل اقامت: یزد
پاسخ با نقل قول
dp3شامل 6تا منوست. power ferequency-power
Gain auto seeting
sample auto seeting
trs. threshold sonud
auto ground gap low normal high sound
sets language light led disc. data save auto setting

دوشنبه 24 تیر1392 - 2:43pm
کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
آواتار کاربر

تاریخ عضویت: دوشنبه 2 اردیبهشت1392 - 8:05pm
پست: 189
محل اقامت: یزد
پاسخ با نقل قول
This term is used for number of pulses to send in a second.
By increasing frequency you will get quicker auto adjustment to different lands. But be aware when using the device with high frequency you will run out your battery more quickly. Just decide for a more responsive device against running out the battery more quickly.

This term is used for duration of each pulse.
If you increase the power you will get more deeper detection accordinly. But again you will run out the battery more quickly like frequency adjustment. More importantly, using high power mode, device will be much responsive against mineralization. So, use it in lowest possible values and increase as required.

This term is used for gain factor in analog circuit of device. If you increase gain device will detect more deeper and be more responsive to mineralization. Start with lowest value available and increase it up to the point that you don't get false detection. Don't try to increase gain in a room full of metals, you can't make the device silent. Adjust the gain outdoor that you sure that no mineralization around. If you need to make test in a room, just use value "1".

This term is used for discrimination of metals from dampening slope. It will define the start and finish points of sampling. These values are very important either in analog and digital circuit of device. A good adjusted sampling point will give the device best perpormance for deepest detection and disc. But these values that are auto adjusted according the objects under the coil when bootup or pressing to tune button. Device can make false detections when you move to less mineralized media to more mineralized media. This is why these parameters need to be adjusted manualy or you can simply press "tune" button for auto adjustment.

sample start:
This parameter is adjusting the start of sampling point from dampening slope. By this adjustment discrimination level and responsivness by metal type can be achived. when increased, responsivness to mineralization will go lower, but, at the same time yo will get less distance for detection and less disc. level for valuable metals. when decreased, responsivness to mineralization will be higher, but, at the same time yo will get more distance for detection and more disc. level for valuable metals.
It migth be choosen using with 1 or 2 step over auto adjusted value when used in mineralized lands.

sample finish:
with this parameter you can adjust the finish point of sample from dampening slope. With this adjustment you can define the responsivness of device to electromagnetic noise and ferro metals. By lowering this parameter you will get lower responsiveness to ferro. But, at the same time lowering this parameter adversely affecting detection depth of device.

This will define the value that detector give signal when it is reached. This parameter need a fine adjustment very closely to the level that device be silent, so this will help deepest detection. While this adjusted very near to silent/loudy border, device will be more responsive to little objects and mineralization.
این متن بود که از 2سایتش گرفتم.اگه کسی چیزه دیگه ای میدونه به اشتراک بزاره.

چهارشنبه 2 مرداد1392 - 2:13pm

تاریخ عضویت: سه شنبه 18 تیر1392 - 11:16pm
پست: 19
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حداقل با ترانسلیت ترجمش میکردی بعد میزاشتی بازم ممنون لطف کردی/

چهارشنبه 22 بهمن1392 - 3:05am

تاریخ عضویت: جمعه 27 شهریور1394 - 3:42pm
پست: 12
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با سلام کسی تنظیمات دلتا 3 رو داره یا میتونه مختصر توضیحاتی بده؟

پنج شنبه 18 اسفند1395 - 1:35am
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