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توجه توجه توجه با سلام به همه دوستان واساتید محترم تویه سایت خارجی که درباره همین مدار توضیحاتی داده بود این مطلب را پیدا کردم من از برنامه نویسی هیچی نمیدونم ولی اگه برنامه مربوط به همین مدار هستش از دوستان میخوام در صورت تایید عد از دست کاریهای لازم برنامه را رای ما هم قرار دید تا استفاده کنیم .( تغییرات مربوط ه کاهش فرکانس ) و موارد دیگر ...
[list### Introduction to Probability ### Simulation and Gibbs Sampling ### with R ### Chapter 9
## Example 9.1
# set.seed(1237) m = 50000 # iterations PI = numeric(m); PI[1] = .5 # vector for results, initial value alpha = 1; beta = 1 # parameters of beta prior eta = .99; theta = .97 # sensitivity; specificity n = 1000; A = 49; B = n - A # data
for (i in 2:m) { num.x = PI[i-1]*eta; den.x = num.x + (1-PI[i-1])*(1 - theta) X = rbinom(1, A, num.x/den.x) num.y = PI[i-1]*(1 - eta); den.y = num.y + (1-PI[i-1])*theta Y = rbinom(1, B, num.y/den.y) PI[i] = rbeta(1, X + Y + alpha, n - X - Y + beta) }
aft.brn = seq(m/2 + 1,m) mean(PI[aft.brn]) quantile(PI[aft.brn], c(.025, .975))
par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(aft.brn, PI[aft.brn], type="l") hist(PI[aft.brn], prob=T) par(mfrow=c(1,1))
##--(new graphics page)
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) acf(PI, ylim=c(0, .6)) plot(1:m, cumsum(PI)/(1:m), type="l", ylim=c(.016, .024)) par(mfrow=c(1,1))
## Example 9.2
# set.seed(1237) m = 50000 # iterations MU = numeric(m); THETA = numeric(m) # sampled values THETA[1] = 1 # initial value n = 41; x.bar = 9.6; x.var = 2.73^2 # data mu.0 = 0; th.0 = 400 # mu priors alp.0 = 1/2; kap.0 = 1/5 # theta priors
for (i in 2:m) { th.up = 1/(n/THETA[i-1] + 1/th.0) mu.up = (n*x.bar/THETA[i-1] + mu.0/th.0)*th.up MU[i] = rnorm(1, mu.up, sqrt(th.up))
alp.up = n/2 + alp.0 kap.up = kap.0 + ((n-1)*x.var + n*(x.bar - MU[i])^2)/2 THETA[i] = 1/rgamma(1, alp.up, kap.up) }
# Bayesian point and probability interval estimates aft.brn = (m/2 + 1):m mean(MU[aft.brn]) # point estimate of mu bi.MU = quantile(MU[aft.brn], c(.025,.975)); bi.MU mean(THETA[aft.brn]) # point estimate of theta bi.THETA = quantile(THETA[aft.brn], c(.025,.975)); bi.THETA SIGMA = sqrt(THETA) mean(SIGMA[aft.brn]) # point estimate of sigma bi.SIGMA = sqrt(bi.THETA); bi.SIGMA
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(aft.brn, MU[aft.brn], type="l") plot(aft.brn, SIGMA[aft.brn], type="l") hist(MU[aft.brn], prob=T); abline(v=bi.MU, col="red") hist(SIGMA[aft.brn], prob=T); abline(v=bi.SIGMA, col="red") par(mfrow=c(1,1))
## Summary Data (To use in program below, comment out program lines ## in which X.bar, X.sd, g, and r are found.)
X.bar = c(91.9, 129.0, 104.1, 75.7, 108.7, 100.2, 62.6, 107.5, 66.7, 129.1, 106.8, 93.4) X.sd = c( 9.96, 10.07, 4.98, 12.16, 5.06, 10.65, 6.52, 11.05, 9.90, 8.39, 8.99, 8.14) g = 12; r = 10
## Note: Results on p234 of text are based on set.seed(443) ## and unrounded SDs, and so differ slightly from results ## using the rounded SDs above.
#Assumes matrix X with g rows (batches), r columns (reps), #Or provide g-vectors of batch means and SDs as the 2nd line.
set.seed(443) X.bar = apply(X, 1, mean); X.sd = apply(X, 1, sd) g = dim(X)[1]; r = dim(X)[2] # CORRECTION for compatibility with problems m = 50000; b = m/4 # iterations; burn-in MU = VAR.BAT = VAR.ERR = numeric(m)
mu.0 = 0; th.0 = 10^10 # prior parameters for MU alp.0 = .001; kap.0 = .001 # prior parameters for VAR.BAT bta.0 = .001; lam.0 = .001 # prior parameters for VAR.ERR MU[1] = 150; a = X.bar # initial values
for (k in 2:m) { alp.up = alp.0 + g/2 kap.up = kap.0 + sum((a - MU[k-1])^2)/2 VAR.BAT[k] = 1/rgamma(1, alp.up, kap.up)
bta.up = bta.0 + r*g/2 lam.up = lam.0 + (sum((r-1)*X.sd^2) + r*sum((a - X.bar)^2))/2 VAR.ERR[k] = 1/rgamma(1, bta.up, lam.up)
mu.up = (VAR.BAT[k]*mu.0 + th.0*sum(a))/(VAR.BAT[k] + g*th.0) #note CORRECTION th.up = th.0*VAR.BAT[k]/(VAR.BAT[k] + g*th.0) #note CORRECTION MU[k] = rnorm(1, mu.up, sqrt(th.up))
deno = r*VAR.BAT[k] + VAR.ERR[k] mu.a = (r*VAR.BAT[k]*X.bar + VAR.ERR[k]*MU[k])/deno th.a = (VAR.BAT[k]*VAR.ERR[k])/deno a = rnorm(g, mu.a, sqrt(th.a)) }
mean(MU[b:m]); sqrt(mean(VAR.BAT[b:m])); sqrt(mean(VAR.ERR[b:m])) bi.MU = quantile(MU[b:m], c(.025,.975)) SIGMA.BAT = sqrt(VAR.BAT); SIGMA.ERR = sqrt(VAR.ERR) bi.SG.B = quantile(SIGMA.BAT[b:m], c(.025,.975)) bi.SG.E = quantile(SIGMA.ERR[b:m], c(.025,.975)) ICC = VAR.BAT/(VAR.BAT+VAR.ERR); bi.ICC = quantile(ICC[b:m], c(.025,.975)) bi.MU; bi.SG.B; bi.SG.E; bi.ICC
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(MU[b:m], prob=T); abline(v=bi.MU) hist(SIGMA.BAT[b:m], prob=T); abline(v=bi.SG.B) hist(SIGMA.ERR[b:m], prob=T); abline(v=bi.SG.E) hist(ICC[b:m], prob=T); abline(v=bi.ICC) par(mfrow=c(1,1))
## ----------
## Problem 9.8 (additional code for program of Example 9.1)
est.d = density(PI[aft.brn], from=0, to=1); mx = max(est.d$y) hist(PI[aft.brn], ylim=c(0, mx), prob=T, col="wheat") lines(est.d, col="darkgreen") median(PI[aft.brn]); est.d$x[est.d$y==mx]
## Problem 9.12
x = c( 8.50, 9.75, 9.75, 6.00, 4.00, 10.75, 9.25, 13.25, 10.50, 12.00, 11.25, 14.50, 12.75, 9.25, 11.00, 11.00, 8.75, 5.75, 9.25, 11.50, 11.75, 7.75, 7.25, 10.75, 7.00, 8.00, 13.75, 5.50, 8.25, 8.75, 10.25, 12.50, 4.50, 10.75, 6.75, 13.25, 14.75, 9.00, 6.25, 11.75, 6.25) mean(x) var(x) shapiro.test(x)
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) boxplot(x, at=.9, notch=T, ylab="x", xlab = "Boxplot and Stripchart") stripchart(x, vert=T, method="stack", add=T, offset=.75, at = 1.2) qqnorm(x) par(mfrow=c(1,1))
## Problem 9.15 (generate simulated data, use seed shown to get data shown in text)
set.seed(1212) g = 12 # number of batches r = 10 # replications per batch mu = 100; sg.a = 15; sg.e = 9 # model parameters a.dat = matrix(rnorm(g, 0, sg.a), nrow=g, ncol=r) # ith batch effect across ith row e.dat = matrix(rnorm(g*r, 0, sg.e), nrow=g, ncol=r) # g x r random item variations X = round(mu + a.dat + e.dat) # integer data X
## Problem 9.17 (generate simulated data, use seed shown to get data shown)
set.seed(1237) g = 12; r = 10 mu = 100; sg.a = 1; sg.e = 9 a.dat = matrix(rnorm(g, 0, sg.a), nrow=g, ncol=r) e.dat = matrix(rnorm(g*r, 0, sg.e), nrow=g, ncol=r) X = round(mu + a.dat + e.dat) X.bar = apply(X, 1, mean); X.sd = apply(X, 1, sd) round(rbind(X.bar, X.sd), 3)
## Problem 9.20 (turnip leaf data in matrix format)
X = matrix(c(3.28, 3.09, 3.03, 3.03, 3.52, 3.48, 3.38, 3.38, 2.88, 2.80, 2.81, 2.76, 3.34, 3.38, 3.23, 3.26), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=T)
## Problem 9.21 (dye data in matrix format)
X = matrix(c(1545, 1440, 1440, 1520, 1580, 1540, 1555, 1490, 1560, 1495, 1595, 1550, 1605, 1510, 1560, 1445, 1440, 1595, 1465, 1545, 1595, 1630, 1515, 1635, 1625, 1520, 1455, 1450, 1480, 1445), 6, 5, byrow=T)
## Problem 9.22 (mean vector for plastic data)
X.bar = c(218, 182, 177, 174, 208, 186, 206, 192, 187, 154, 208, 176, 196, 179, 181, 158, 158, 198, 160, 178, 148, 194)
## Problem 9.24 (summary data, as in Example 9.3)
X.bar = c(124.2, 127.8, 119.4, 123.4, 110.6, 130.4, 128.4, 127.6, 122.0, 124.4) X.sd = c(10.57, 14.89, 11.55, 10.14, 12.82, 9.99, 12.97, 12.82, 16.72, 8.53)
g = 10; r = 5